Books we must read

Books - Author-Availibility
1.Third Wave by Alvin Toffler College Library
2. Imagining India by Nandan Nilekani
3. Future Shock by Alvin Toffler - College Library
4. It’s not about the bike by Lance Armstrong
5. The toyota way
6. Inside google
7. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by t.kiyosaki
8. Shantaram
9. 7 habbits of highly effective people by Stephen covey
10. 8th habbit by Stephen covey - College Library
11. The world is flat by Thomas friedman
12. The monk who sold his ferrari by Robin sharma
13.The alchemist by Paulo cohelo
14. The greatness guide by Robin sharma
15. Blue ocean strategy by w.chan kim and renne mauborgne - College Library
16. Stay hungry, stay foolish by Rashmi bansal
17. It happened in India by Kishor biyani
18. Freekonomics
19. 48 laws of power Robert greet and joost efflers
20. A thousand splendid suns by Khalen hosseini
21. The kite runner by Khaled hosseini
22. The white tiger Arvind adga
23. Brief history of time by Stefan hawkins
24. Chicken soup for the Indian soul by Raksha bharadia
25. The argumentative Indian Amartya sen
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